This is The Truth

Your rights have been removed, and the Government didn't even tell you...

The site aims to explain what rights you have lost, and are going to lose in the future & will try to provide you with advice, information & concrete solutions that allow us all to get back those rights.

Fair Game Australia Condemns Misogynistic Womanface: Urges Leaders to Uphold Equality

In a recent statement, Fair Game Australia, a prominent advocate for sex equality, strongly condemned the NSW Parliament and The Greens for promoting misogynistic womanface, perpetuating harmful stereotypes about women and girls. The organisation highlighted the alarming rise in male violence against women in Australia, emphasising the urgency to combat misogyny at its core.

Fair Game Australia expressed grave concerns about The Greens and Alex Greenwich MP leading secretive, misogynistic, and homophobic Equalities legislation in NSW. The organisation urged leaders to uphold equality without double standards and demanded transparency and accountability.*

For more details, the full press release can be downloaded Press Release NSW Greens No Better Than Racists.

Stay tuned for further updates and actions against misogyny and discrimination.

[Download the Full Press Release Here]

It's Time Australia

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The FIFA Women’s World Cup is over, but this fight has only just begun. FairGameAU along with the Women’s Rights Network Australia, the LGB Alliance Australia, the Australian Feminists for Women’s Rights, the Coalition of Activist Lesbians Australia, the Women’s Action Alliance Canberra, and many other organisations, stand solidly together in opposing the regressive march of “gender identity” activism in Australia.

We are now facing the battle on many fronts. In Tasmania, we stand with Louise Elliott and the fight for Lesbians to exclude all men from their activities as they so choose. In Victoria, we stand with Moira Deeming, Angie Jones, and other women who are being vilified and defamed by worthless, irrelevant, politicians. In Queensland, we stand with Sall Grover, who is fighting a worthless man in the highest court in the land to protect the rights of women and girls. We also stand with all the brave women in that state fighting against newly imposed selfID laws. In NSW, we stand with Kirralee Smith, who is being taken to court for calling men pretending to be “women” what they are…men. All around the country, where women and the LGB are having to fight this insanity, we stand with them.

Until recently, NSW stood out as a tiny beacon of sanity in this sea of mediocre men supporting the fetishes of even more mediocre men. Sadly, NSW is now in very deep peril of being captured by the crypto-fascist postmodernist ideologues. NSW Independent MP Alex Greenwich is attempting to surreptitiously sneak through deceitful and disingenuous “anti-conversion practises" amendments and introduce an ”Equalities Bill” that has absolutely nothing to do with “Equality” and everything to do with male privilege, entitlement, and fetishism. It is sad to note that the recently elected Labor administration has its own legislation that is equally dangerous and damaging to the interests of women, girls, and LGB.

We know for a fact that sex is binary and immutable in humans, yet due to the sheer mediocrity and incompetence of those who frame legislation in this country, we have to call these facts beliefs. This whole charade is a mixture of pantomime farce, political chicanery, and outright lying on the part of bad actors, and it needs to be halted in its tracks right here, right now.

At the time of writing, it is possible that legislation is being introduced into the NSW Parliament by way of a private members bill. The plan is to fast track this without consultation and make it law within the next 6 to 8 weeks. This legislation will form part of a raft of measures that will mean that:

Men will be able to legally change their ‘sex’ marker on their birth certificate, with no requirement to undergo surgery or even to ‘present’ as women. These men will have the legal right to access the single sex spaces and services of women and girls.

 As a result:

  • Women and girls will lose their right to single sex spaces and services, including sports, health care, domestic violence shelters, change rooms, awards, scholarships, and many other things.

  • Lesbian women and gay men will lose the right to gather without members of the opposite sex - see, for example, the recent case in Tasmania where a lesbian was prohibited from organising a social event for females only.

  • Women and girls will begin to self-exclude themselves from sports and public places because of the presence of males.

  • Elderly women, women with disabilities, vulnerable women, and women from CALD and faith communities will no longer have the right to request a female health care worker, carer, or therapist.

  • Women will no longer have the right to request a female health care worker for intimate medical procedures.

As previously stated, we know for a fact that sex is binary and immutable in humans, and no male can ever become anything else but a male. These politicians also know this but are still ploughing ahead with this insanity. Why? You may ask yourself this question. Largely because they are in the thrall of corrupt, infected self interest groups like the Aids Council of NSW (ACON), who have pushed an insane ideology about “gendered souls” as a way of maintaining massive government grant funding through the delivery of so called “Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity” (DIE) training and advice to governments, police forces, government agencies, and businesses. Everyone is terrified to point out that “the Emperor has no clothes on” and that there is no such thing as being “born in the wrong body”, “assigned at birth,” or “transgender” for fear of being cancelled by the powerful and deeply aggressive lobby group, which will go to extreme lengths to silence opponents and enforce “no debate” wherever possible.

While we took our eyes off the game once equal marriage was reluctantly conceded by Canberra, the professional NGO activists saw their gravy train disappearing because they were no longer needed. Rather than allow that to happen, they tacked on “T” then “Q”, then added a meaningless and impenetrable alphabet soup to the LGB acronym to keep their noses in the Canberra trough. With this unholy alphabet came a dystopian postmodernist hell called “Queer Theory”. This aims to “queer” everything. This is code for destroy, subvert, corrupt, and pollute. Most of us know that “queer” is a deeply hurtful and offensive slur used to denigrate and fuel hate towards Lesbians and Gay men, but these activists just don’t care. Their objective is control. Control of language, control of policy, and above all, control of government and the law. They have worked on shaming people. Because they have unscrupulously colonised the LGB and tacked on their ‘dodgy alphabet extension’ without it having anything to do with sex or sexuality, they have managed to make anyone who opposes them a homophobe and no one in the 2020s wants to be seen as homophobic. Even that pretence is now gone, those who oppose them are all simply “transphobic” now, despite “T” being only one letter in the toxic alphabet stew.

We urge you to find out what is really going on. Open your eyes and your minds. Ask yourself this: How many types of sexual attraction actually exist? You either like the sex organs of the opposite sex or you like the sex organs of your own sex. By my calculation, they are the only logical answers that can be given to that question. Some people are very lucky and like both, but it’s even at a stretch three sexualities full stop. So what the hell is the alphabet soup, and what does it have to do with LGB? You might as well just call it LGB plus H for heterosexuals, which would defeat the point of having a Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual organisation in the first place, surely? Put simply it has nothing to do with LGB and opposing these charlatans is not prejudice, it’s common sense.

Join with us in opposing this madness. Contact your MPs and Senators and ask them what the hell is going on and why they are allowing this nonsense to continue. Make your views very clear, and urge them to listen to you and others and act to protect reality in the face of nonsensical, non-science. It is up to us to demand that women, girls, LGB, and men with common sense are protected against this dangerous and damaging ideology now!

The more keen eyed among you will be aware that the rest of the world is waking up to this existential threat. Denmark, Norway, England, Sweden, Finland, France, and 19 US States have started to act decisively to put an end to this nonsense, which is now being proposed for NSW. These countries and states are practicing evidence-based medicine, grounded in systematic reviews by medical experts. They are starting to realise that none of this is grounded in science let alone reality. It’s time Australia, time to wake up and kick this threat back into the realms of fantasy from whence it came...

Men are already playing in women's sports

All a man has to do to play in women's sports these days is say he "identifies as a woman"! That's all, nothing more than that. No sex change, just feel it...

'No Debate' is not an option. We are having this discussion now.

This most dangerous cult operates on the basis of "no debate". They claim that to debate is to be "transphobic" "hateful". That is a lie. Society relies on open & free debate to be a democracy. To stifle & shut down debate is fascistic & makes us no better than a state like North Korea. If they are so certain that they are right, then why are they so frightened to openly debate their ideas? The answer is simply, because their whole belief system is without any substance. It is nothing but a made up fairy story that is completely demolished by science, reason & basic primary school biology.

News & Information

A Brief History of Equality in Australia

Equal Opportunities in Australia Australia has had a complicated history when it comes to equality. From the appalling treatment of its first nations peoples, through overtly racist immigration policies, to the persecution of lesbian & gay people, and the disgusting misogyny within Australian society.

Beyond WPATH

As mental health professionals, public health scientists, and allied organizations and individuals, we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the current Standards of Care released by WPATH (the World Professional Association for Transgender Health). We hold that WPATH has discredited itself.

Critical Race Theory in Australia

Critical race theory (CRT) is a framework that examines how race and racism intersect with law, policy, and power. It originated in the US and emerged in Australia in the late 1990s and early 2000s as a response to the country's history of colonization and ongoing struggles for Indigenous rights. CRT argues that race is a social construct and that understanding the intersections of race, class, and gender is essential for addressing systemic inequalities. While CRT has faced backlash, it continues to be an important framework for understanding and challenging racism in Australian society.

Critical Social Justice Theory in Australia

The critical social justice argument in Australia argues that systemic inequalities based on race, sex, sexuality, and other identity categories exist and need to be dismantled through a variety of means, including education, activism, and policy changes. This argument has its roots in critical theory and postmodern philosophy, which view society as a power struggle between dominant and marginalized groups.

It's Time Australia

The FIFA Women’s World Cup is over, but this fight has only just begun. FairGameAU along with the Women’s Rights Network Australia, the LGB Alliance Australia, the Australian Feminists for Women’s Rights, the Coalition of Activist Lesbians Australia, the Women’s Action Alliance Canberra, and many other organisations, stand solidly together in opposing the regressive march of “gender identity” activism in Australia.

Letter to FIFA

April 13th 2023 - Open Letter to FIFA, and The FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 Organisers

Meet the TQI2A+

20 years ago the gay movement split. On one side LGB people were happy to assimilate and loved the society we grew up in. On the other, a revolutionary ‘queer’ cult - the TQI2A+ - won't be happy until our society is shattered.

Sall Grover's Landmark Case

Support the crowdfund here: Sall Grover is the Australian founder of an independent female-only social media, networking platform and app called ‘Giggle’. Please consider donating to this important crowdfund to support Sall's case; to fight for women and girls, as well as LGB people. Thank you ?

I would rather be rude than a fucking liar!

Magdalene Berns